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May 31, 2004

Death Can Be Incredibly Profitable

I don't mean your own, of course. Although that can be profitable for someone else but I don't THINK it'll do you much good.

I've always had a pretty morbid curiosity with death. I even sold funeral plans for a while. Best part of that gig was working at the mortuary. Something so fascinating working around people who are there, but yet, um, weren't. (Kind of like a certain politician running for office... the name of which I will withhold for fear of alienating one of my loyal visitors.)

Anyhoo... I can't remember how this idea inserted itself into my grey matter, but it's one of my best, I must say. However, it involves some serious planning and prep and a pretty good budget. It would be the perfect marriage of reality tv and the web. I'm telling you, if someone were to implement this, they'd make a fortune (from which they would pay me a good little chunk... right?)

Find a relatively young (more attractive the better) person who has been diagnosed with a terminal disease of some sort and has a certain timeframe in which to live. Document their daily life until the end. I mean the whole thing... cameras stationed everywhere in the house... just like Real World, or whatever. Gotta find someone that has a compelling enough life even without the terminal thing going on. The filming would be all the way to the end and actually capture the moment of death on tape as well.

In exchange for this, you will finance that persons last days so they can enjoy themselves in style...etc.

Sounds really crass so far, huh? Well, it gets even crasser (if that's a word.)

As all these shows have, there would be a big twist at the end. You don't reveal it but you hype it throughout the show's 6 month run, or whatever, as the big surprise finale. On the last show, you air the funeral and the laying into the ground... the whole thing. Then the very last scene you tell the audience that the family and the person has consented to be the very first person in the history of mankind to be filmed decomposing, in real time.

What you do is mount cameras and lights in the coffin with enough batteries to last for 5 years, or whatever. Then, every hour or whatever time frame you decide, you can turn on the lights and the camera remotely (wireless technology will help on this one, obviously) and have a website that streams live video of the person.

Over the 6 months of the filming, the audience will have become quite attached to this person so the media coverage and spectacle of the whole "coffin viewing" would be a worldwide news item. Can you IMAGINE the traffic that website would get. We're talking some SERIOUS ad dollars. It goes without saying that the family would get a large chunk of this, but even so... first year ad revenues alone at the website would be in the multiple millions.

Then, of course, you'd have to up the ante during the next season. I'll let someone else figure out how you can up the ante on this idea.

Okay, I have to say... I know this is REALLY tasteless to a LOT of people. I didn't say it wasn't tasteless, but it's certainly not illegal or even immoral. Death is a natural part of life and if it were me in a terminal state and I knew my family would make a lot of money after I departed, I'd ask, "how many cameras you want in there? Just make sure you get my good, dead side."

Now go get bizzy!

Get on My Tickle List

Get on the Dan Sherman list for updates... etc.

Just wanted to remind all visitors to get on our email list. Sometimes you come to a blog and you like it but then you leave and forget to come back. If you get on my list, I'll rattle your cage every once in a while just to remind you that Biz Ideas is still alive and kicking. :-)

Get on My Tickle List

May 21, 2004

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Maker

I got a bee in my bonnet recently to test the waters on making liquid nitrogen ice cream. I had read about it in some magazine a while back and since my collectible manufacturing business is slower during the summer and our building is right on a main thoroughfare, I thought it might be a novel way of supplementing our revenue this time of year.

My plan was to make ice cream right in front of people after they ordered. Kind of short order ice cream maker. The ambiance would be cool (no pun intended) because if you've ever seen liquid nitrogen being poured into a bowl, it looks like a mad scientist concocting some magic elixer. If you've ever been to a cold stone creamery, it could be like that... where people choose their ingredients but instead of mixing it into the already made ice cream, you could make the entire thing from scratch in about a minute. From the business stand point, you could do a lot of unique things with this idea. What about hiring out to parties and making ice cream for people at their parties. You can make smoothies too, by the way.

So, I did some searching. There are relatively few links to this topic. Most all of them are repeats of one another in some form or fashion. So, don't bother looking around. I'll give it all here.

First, you need some recipes. Here is one and here is one and then here's another. From those three, you can just experiment.

One of the most difficult aspects of making liquid nitrogen ice cream is finding the liquid nitrogen. To clarify, liquid nitrogen is NOT dry ice. They are two different things.

Liquid nitrogen is used by doctor's offices for freezing off your grandma's ugly warts (or your own) and other such things like that. So, it is readily available, and pretty cheap. You'll need to look under your local yellow pages for welding supply or cryogenic suppliers. Some places will try to tell you that they can't sell you liquid nitrogen over the counter and that they have to deliver it to you. That's bonk. Yes, there are very loose rules when it comes to transporting liquid nitrogen, but keep looking. Someone will help you.

Liquid nitrogen is contained and transported using a container called a "dewar" (pronounced doo-ar, emphasis on the "doo"). They size you'll want to ask for is the 10 liter. It's pretty much the smallest one that's readily available (used by doctor's offices) and will give you plenty of material to work with in your experiments. DO NOT think you can use a thermos. First, it must be able to handle such cold temps (which some thermos' can) but liquid nitrogen can NOT be capped. It must be allowed to vent. The dewars have the ability to vent the gas continually being released. If it's capped, it'll explode.

Liquid nitrogen in it's liquid state is 320F degrees below zero. You don't want to get this stuff on your skin or clothes for that matter. You should ALWAYS wear gloves when handling and pouring from the dewar and you should also wear goggles that wrap around your eyes. If you get even the slightest drop on your eyeball, it's toast. Also, the mist that's given off when pouring can damage your eyes if there's not enough oxygen to vent the area. Bottom line, don't mess around with this stuff. Be careful. It's not flammable or inherently explosive (except when capped) and it's not acid, it's just REALLY cold.

Cost should run around $25 to rent the dewar for a month and another $35 to $50 for 10 liters of liquid nitrogen. You should be able to make several gallons of ice cream with 10 liters of liquid nitrogen. It dissipates at a good clip, even when in the dewar, so be prepared to do all your experiments within at least a week of getting your batch of liquid nitrogen.

Outcome... it made some really good, creamy ice cream. I'm sure with a little more experimenting, it would be much better than your typical batch of store bought ice cream. You'd have to sell this on the experience as much as the taste. It makes good low carb ice cream as well.

As for the ice cream parlor plans... yikes! The health department wants you to have so many things in place that our shop just isn't anywhere near providing. So it's back to selling Santas in the summer. :-)

Now go get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

Rent Used Luxury Cars

I absolutely love my 1994 Lexus LS400. Even though it has more than 200K miles on it, it still runs like a dream and has held up very well inside and out. (Oh! And it's paid for.)

I've been ruminating on this idea for a few months. Why not rent used luxury cars for as much as a the big companies rent their "premium" cars? If it's your only car, rent a cheapo car while your car is rented out and pocket the difference. Of course, you'd only do that while you were starting out. At some point, you could expand your fleet by buying more used luxury cars.

You could get at least $50 a day and because you could offer a much better service (meet them at the airport and hand them the keys at the gate) you would have regular business people falling over themselves for your business.

The only hurdles are legal issues (insurance... etc) which I'm sure could be ironed out by donating $1000 to a good lawyer's bank account. At the very least, talking to your State Farm agent.

Once you get the hang of it, you could contract with other used luxury car owners from across the USA and build your franchises from the ground up without needing investment capital.

It would be better to specialize in a particular make of car. Obviously, one that you already own is a good start. But you'd probably want to use cars that are well known for holding up over time and have less maintenance issues... etc. In other words, don't think you're going to make ANY money renting used Jaguars.

Also, you'd have less wear and tear on your vehicles because you'd be focusing on professional people as customers and they will know you are a small operation and know you personally and would, therefore, be more apt to treat the vehicle like their own and not do donuts in the Kmart parking lot when it's snowing. (I promise I've never done that with your cars, Mr. Hertz.)

This would be a great little homebased, part-time, money making operation that could grow into something amazing over time.

Now go get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 20, 2004

Candid Videographer

I love going to the state fair or even the local county fair with my family. It's always a fun time. Especially when you have children the age of my daughter. Haley is just over 2 years old and every day is a new discovery.

There are LOTS of young families that go to outdoor amusement activities like carnivals, fairs and even full scale amusement parks. If you think real hard, there's plenty of money to be made at these places.

Here's my idea. Get yourself a really good video camera (digital if possible) and go to your local fair or amusement park. Just wander around looking for some good "family memories" to video. It would be best if you have a good zoom, so you don't have to get really close. What you're trying to do is capture really great moments for random families. So often, families don't capture the really touching moments or really good memories because they're too busy PARTICIPATING in the moment instead of filming it.

So here you are to their rescue without them even knowing about it. You can just follow a family for 5 or so minutes and and when you see you've got some good footage you can stop. Don't worry about intruding or being "seen" doing it because people are videoing all the time at such places so you won't look obvious at all. Now, if you follow them around for 30 minutes, they might suspect you're videoing them, but not for just 5 minutes at a distance.

Make sure you have fliers made up that explains your services. After getting some good moments on tape, casually approach the family leader and give them your flier and say, "I've caught some really good candid moments with you and your family. If you go to my website tomorrow, and enter this number on the front page, you'll be able to see some still photos from the video. I've caught about 5 minutes or so. If you're interested in purchasing a tape of it, the directions are right here. Have a wonderful day here at the park."

Make sure on the flier you tell them that all video not claimed (purchased) within 72 hours will be destroyed so they are reassured that you aren't keeping all these tapes.

You'll have to create a website that you can upload still photos onto from your videos you taped during that day. It wouldn't take too much to get it up and running. You can find someone really cheap to create the site for you at Might take a couple hundred bucks total. Of course, you'd have to have a video camera and a digital camera would be scads easier in post production to get stills from in order to upload them to the site. Then have a simple order form for your customer to order the video if they want to get it. I would imagine you could sell them for $19.95 plus shipping. If you spend 4 hours on location you can get at least 30 families on tape. Spend 8 hours and you can get 60 or more on tape. It would take you another 2 hours (once you have it streamlined) to get the materials posted on your site. Out of 60 families, I would imagine you'd get at least 10 to purchase, if not more. That's a couple hundred bucks a day or more.

You could even do this with just still photos. Get about 10 really good candid pics for each family and then upload them to your site (in low resolution) and offer to upload them to (in high resolution) for them and then they can just order prints from You charge them a one time fee for uploading them to and releasing the reprint rights to them. The still photo idea would actually be more profitable I would imagine since you could photograph many more families in a day than with video. You'd have to experiment.

There are plenty of places where memories go unrecorded. As I'm sure Kodak knows, there's plenty of money in memories.

Now get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 19, 2004

Easy Yet Powerful Ecommerce

Every once in a while I'm going to give you some wisdom on tools and resources that are out there to use in support of a business that you may be planning or already implementing.

The first one I'm going to write about is one very dear to my heart. It's called Mals-E. The site is named after the guy that runs it. His name is Mal Stewart. I personally think there should be a monument erected in the middle of Entrepuerer-land (if there was such a place) honoring this man's contribution to small business. As far as I can tell, Mal operates this website all by himself and does an amazing job of it. I'm not really sure of his nationality but I think he lives in Gibralter (an island nation between Spain and Morroco.) His English is perfect, I know that.

I came across Mals-E when I was looking for a solution to take orders for my book, back in 1998. Believe me, I searched and searched and searched. At first I went with a new company back then called FreeMerchant or something like that. But it was too cumbersome so I decided to give Mal's a try. I've been with it ever since. I have 5 sites right now all using a Mals cart.

Why is Mals such a great find? One of the main reasons it's good for newbies is the price. It's FREE! Then if you grow to the point where you'd like to have your orders processed live using credit cards (after you've attained a merchant account separately of course) then you can upgrade to a Premium account for a whopping $6 a month (paid quarterly.) You can take credit card orders with a free account, they just can't be processed live, that's all.

Another reason is the sheer simplicity of the system. Instructions are really good on how to create "Add to Cart" links from your own website and if you do become stumped the support forum is HUGE. Most times you receive help from someone in the Mals community within minutes. That's because of the sheer size of the Mals userbase. He's got like 10,000 users of the system, or some ungodly number like that. (Remember, this is a one man show basically.)

So, anyway, I can't stress to you how easy and wonderful Mals has been for me. There's NEVER been any downtime in the 6 years I've used the service and whenever I've needed help, it's been there much quicker than you'd expect for a $6 a month service.

It even has a built in affiliate tracking funtion called mTracker, although it's a little user unfriendly compared to many others out there. But the point is, it's there and can be used in conjunction with your free shopping cart.

Did I mention all this is free? :-)

So, even if you're just kicking things around right now, go over and get a cart and start experimenting. That way when you're ready to go live, you'll be up to snuff and ready to launch.

Now get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 18, 2004

Sell Vanity Toll Free Numbers

If you got some time on your hands and you are willing to work, there IS money in this. Probably not much, but hey... I'm just the idea man here. You figure out if you want to actually implement it. :-)

I have all my toll free numbers through a nifty company that sells not only regular toll free numbers, but they also have a list of vanity numbers you can choose from. They have a list of literally hundreds that you can browse. Click here to see what I'm talking about. This is the sign up page where you can browse the available numbers. (The main site where the rates and such is here.)

If you click on the "Specialty" tab on the sign-up page, you'll see all the vanity numbers I'm talking about. For example, this is a number that is available: 1-866-6-BEEPER. It's listed at $25 a month. This means if you sign up to use this number, it'll cost you $25 a month PLUS the monthly usage, whatever that happens to be each month. (They have very good per minute rates.) There's also a set-up fee to get it activated that is equal to the monthly fee. So to get it up and running it's going to cost you $50 up front.

All the accounts also come with voicemail and a host of other nifty features like being able to ring to different numbers based on where the caller is calling from in the country. In case you have offices in separate parts of the country... etc. LOTS of nifty stuff.

So the "making money from home" part of this is selecting some numbers on the list and searching for businesses that would jump at the chance to use that number. In our example above, you could look up businesses that sell beepers in your local town via the yellow pages or even use the online national yellow pages like at or, and start calling businesses that sell beepers. Tell them you control the toll free number 866-6-BEEPER and you're looking for someone to lease it. If they act today, it'll only be $50 a month plus usage charges of .08 cents per minute. (Service only charges you .069 cents per minute.) So, you pocket $25 a month each month plus the .011 cents per minute premium you're charging him over what you are charged from the service. You may want to get a set-up fee from them, but if you're charging $50 a month in this case, that'll cover your fees for the first month and then you can start making $25 a month thereafter. You could use this as a closing tool. If they sign up today, you'll waive their $50 activation fee. So, they would only have to pay first month's lease up front.

As for deliquencies, you wouldn't have that many because once someone advertises a toll free number, their business is tied to that and it's pretty much the last thing that gets missed if money is tight.

The only catch to this is you'll have to copy and paste their activity report each month from the online control panel and email it to them so they can see their usage for billing purposes. In time, you could probably have a cgi script written that would automate that though.

If you spent 8 hours a day doing this at the comfort of your own computer, you wouldn't make much money at first, but as you got more and more customers on board, you could start making a pretty good residual income with little ongoing effort to keep it going.

But even if you don't decide to do this idea, if you need a toll free number, these guys are by far the best. As I've said before, I have several numbers through them. It's extremely cheap (the regular toll free numbers are much cheaper from the standpoint of monthly fees.. $2 per month) and they have so many features for so little money, it makes you wonder why they aren't charging more. So, check 'em out.

Now get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 17, 2004

XM Radio Rental

I got this idea about 6 months ago or so. I wanted to try out one of those satellite radios (in this case, XM Radio) but I didn't want to buy one before trying it out. I didn't want to have to go through all the hassle of buying and activating it if I didn't end up liking it. I just wanted to listen to all the stations and see if it was really worth buying.

As always, my mind did the "can-I-make-money-from-this-obstacle" dance. Well, it was obvious... of course. I was sure there were plenty of people wanting to take it for a spin first before buying. Think of all the people going on vacations, driving across the country with no entertainment prospects to speak of during most of the trip. They might not necessarily want to purchase a satellite radio but would love to have one for their two week vacation for all the time spent in the car... etc.

So, I set about going to work. I registered, built a site in a few hours and by the end of the day, I had an advertisement up on Google using their Adwords program. Within 2 hours of posting my ad, I had my first customer. Now, mind you, I hadn't even purchased a radio yet. I wanted to get a customer first. Now THAT'S my idea of a low cost startup. Haha!

The next day I went down to Circuit City and purchased two radios. One for me to listen to while the other one was rented out, thereby paying for both of them and getting XM Radio for free essentially. I just stopped the Google ad while the second one was rented out and then put it back up when the unit came back. There were even times I had both of them out at one time.

My main business started to hop because it was getting to be Christmas, so I pulled the plug on the whole thing and haven't yet put the ad back up. Renting two units at all times, I figured I was netting about $20 a month after all expenses but I was paying the monthly subscription fee (on both units) which is really all I wanted to do.

I suppose I'll get to advertising again soon. But hopefully I'll have a bunch of competition now from all you, right? :-)

BTW: When I was initially mulling over the idea, I called XM Radio to ask if it was alright with them if I do this. It really benefitted them since it was exposing more people to the XM Radio experience. They didn't care.

Also... I can tell you, once you have satellite radio, you'll never go back to FM again. It's truly amazing. I find myself getting to my destination and having to sit there for a bit to catch the ending of a comedy routine on the comedy channel or the end of a Biography on "E." Just amazing!

Now get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 16, 2004

Custom Cat Bathrooms (Boxes)

I've had this idea for the longest time. We own two cats (or they own us... semantics.) Where ever we've lived, I've always had this intense hatred for the cat box. I hate dirty stuff inside the house, yet they are indoor cats so they have to have a place to go inside. Catch-22 situation.

In our last house, I had a big box built out of particle board in the garage. I placed it up against one of the walls. The other side of the wall was our hallway closet. Then I had a hole in the wall professionally cut and dry walled...etc so the cats could walk into the hole from the house and go directly into the cat box. I also built another hole in the closet wall so the cats could walk from the hallway into the closet, then walk through the other hole to enter the cat box.

The box in the garage had a lid on it with holes poked in the top for ventilation. The lid was on a hinge so I could lift it up and scoop the litter from the garage instead of having to do it in the house and get cat litter fumes everywhere... etc. I also had a sheetmetal liner made to contain the litter. Cat pee is EXTREMELY acidic and will pretty much eat through wood like the bad paper towels in the side-by-side Brawny paper towel comparisons. So you have to have a metal liner of some sort.

It was a marvelous system, I can tell you. We absolutely loved it. On top of it, when we went to sell the home, we got a TON of potential buyers looking at the home solely because they want to see this "Custom Cat Box" solution we advertised in our ads.

Then, as I always do, I thought about ways I could market this system. The entire thing cost me about $350 including someone coming in and making the two holes in the wall and roughing them out to look professional looking. That also included the materials for the box and the custom-made sheetmetal liner.

If someone were industrious enough and handy enough with drywall and building a wood box... etc, they could make a nice living doing this.

Details: Do a prototype at your own house or a friend's then take pics of it, put together a flyer featuring nice pictures of the system then go door to door, handing out this flyer (either by knocking on doors or just putting the flyer in the door) and watch the orders come in. The raw materials would cost about $50 so all the rest is your labor costs. If you charge $350 for the project, and sell one of these a day, you could be making $300 a day. Actual work time might consist of about 3 hours per job, give or take. The rest of the day can be spent on the golf course, or out getting more jobs. To take it even further, you could hire someone to do the flyer distribution and you just do the jobs when they call.

To make it easier once you get a job, you could prebuild the boxes at your own place and have them ready to go. Also, go to your local sheet metal fabricator and have 5 or 6 inserts pre-made so you can have them on hand when you get a job. Once you get a job, all that needs to be done is cutting the hole and finishing it nicely (roughing, drywalling... etc.) Then you just place the box on the other side of the hole, secure it, make sure it's at the right height to meet the hole in the wall by customizing the legs or base that it stands on, and viola, you're done. There shouldn't be any permits needed as you're not building a permanent structure. (Make sure you consult local ordinances as is always a good idea when starting ANY business.)

When advertising it, you might want to quote the absolute cheapest price it will take at perhaps $200 or so for a best case scenario. That would be for a really straight foward job of cutting a hole in the wall and mounting the box as described above. Then each job would of course require an individual quote. That's because each garage is going to be different. Perhaps the best place to put the box will require a custom shaped box... etc. So, those jobs might be $350 or more.

That's it. I'd actually do this for a living if I were better at construction stuff. There's also another idea that relates to this one, but I'll save that for the next post. :-)

Now get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 15, 2004

Dirt Suckers (Vacuuming for a living)

This is one of the better ideas out of the many that came to me today. So good, I've already reserved a domain for it... just in case I want to launch it in one of my all too infrequent spare moments. The domain I registered was

The idea, like so many of my ideas, is one you can start for under $200 and you can start tomorrow, really. Also like so many of my ideas, it was spawned from something unpleasant in my life or is a need going unfulfilled.

I HATE vacuuming, yet I hate it slightly less than many of the other tedious chores that are needed in the house. So, when Allison and I first got hitched, I agreed it would be my chore. Since there's ALWAYS money in specialization, why not specialize in JUST vacuuming people's houses? There are services who do just shampooing, why not specialize in vacuuming? It's a chore people hate to do (okay, my sister-in-law loves it, but MOST people don't) and usually wind up doing it only after small critters are running around inside the carpet and they become too embarrasing in front of company.

This one would be a cinch. Advertise $10 for a 1 story house, $15 for a 2 story house for your first visit. Of course, put a maximum square footage in the ad so you don't get Bill Gates calling you wanting you to vacuum his 9 million square foot house by the lake. The "first time flat rate" deal would get people to call you at least for the first visit. That's the biggest hurdle. Once they see how clean cut you are and how handsome (or pretty) you are and the absolutely stupendous job you do for them, they'll be hooked on you.

Upon leaving from that first appointment, you leave your card with a custom quote for continuing to vacuum their place since you'll be able to see just how long it takes to do their particular house. Even at $10, you'd still make some money. A 3 bedroom/2 bath average house will only take MAYBE 20 minutes. If you make sure you have a REALLY good vacuum cleaner, with a wide head and really powerful so that it picks things up without going over them over and over and over (ah-hem... that would be our piece of plastic hell), you'd make a pretty good living.

This can be advertised in the local paper or on flyers, door to door. You can even hang signs up if that's even remotely legal in your neck of the woods. You'd also want to keep it confined to a particular area or town just for ease of travel between jobs.

Okay... the painful part... licensing. Some towns require domestic help be licensed. Of course, there's the bonding that you'd want to do. Lots of people won't hire you unless you're bonded. (You could probably start without it but I would definitely get it at some point. WARNING: Not legal advice. Consult a pointy headed ambulance chaser before proceeding down that road. No offense to lawyers reading this. I'd own one myself but they're too expensive and hard to train to make doodoo outside.)

This is a really good idea to partner with someone to implement it. One can work on marketing, scheduling... etc. The other does the actual work. The marketing person could of course grab a suckbag and help out if needed.

Potential earnings... oh, you could do $4000 a month, with the right mix of first time jobs and subsequent, higher paying repeat jobs.

Had about six ideas today. It's about time for bed, so I won't get to the other five. But I've got plenty of room and time for more, later.

Hey, sign up for the Biz Ideas email list over on the right. I use it to send out nifty news on tools and such you can use in your search for a self-employed income.

(NOTE: Disregard this... it's a search engine plug... how to work at home, self-employed and earn money at home.)

One more thing... tell others about this blog if you like it. Do you have a cousin who can't seem to get his fat arse off the couch and get a job? Perhaps he will get inspired if he reads this blog.

Now get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List

May 14, 2004

Welcome to Biz Ideas

My name is Dan Sherman and I'll be a your guide on this journey. I started this blog to give written record to the insanity that is my life. I am what you would call absolutely obsessed with the notion of creating businesses and it's even more fun when they actually make money.

Everyone thinks of ways to make money every now and then, right? Well, if there were such a thing as "business opportunity steroids" I'd look like the Michelin Man, I'd be so pumped up.

I think about ways to make money ALL THE TIME!!!! I can't stop. It's like some sort of sickness. To top it off, it's not really about the money. (Although, I like Andrew Jackson and Benjamin Franklin as much as the next guy.) No, it's all about creating and the money is a way of scoring the creation thereby proving it's value to others.

So Biz Ideas will be just that... every time I get a business idea, I'm going to write it down. It may suck or it may be a million dollar idea... but they're all going right here. Kinda like a brainstorm session. There aren't any right answers. A seemingly weird idea that has no real value can spark another idea that is out of this world.

You gotta promise me one thing! If you see something you like, STEAL IT!!!! If I can contribute the spark that flames your American dream... that's what it's all about, Man! (Of course, kick me a few grand when you make it really big... don't forget the little people along the way.)

Cheers for now and make it a day worth remembering because if you don't, how the heck will you remember it?

Now go get bizzy!

Bizzy Man Dan

Get on My Tickle List